When body parts rebel

Today we will be talking about trigger points one of the more frustrating aspects of fibromyalgia. Trigger points are essentially very severe muscle knots that limit movement and can cause tremendous pain. It is very hard to deal with them because they are often painful to the touch.

You can’t fight this feeling anymore

Have ever strained a muscle and it felt cramped and weak? Trigger points cause that feeling in not just the afflicted area but in other connected muscles. Trigger points will not go away on their own which is very frustrating. Fibro seems to make the creation of these points extremely common.

Doing anything while you have severe trigger points is extremely challenging. Right now I have a trigger point on the left side of my lower back. It causes my left hip to ache and burn, pain to shoot down my leg to my ankle, and causes excruciating pain if I try to bend over.

D: can anything be done about it?

There is light at the end of the tunnel. Trigger point injections from a specialists doctor can force these locked muscles to relax. With gentle retraining of the muscle, you can return full movement and remove pain. It is painful but I think they are worth it, even if it feels like a muscle cramp in reverse. With the help of trigger point injections, I have regained three additional hours of activity in a day and that is a high win.

Trigger points are a nasty thing to deal with and exhausting due to making it harder to move, but there is hope and if you are struggling with then I strongly advise you to look into trigger point injections