Pandora Junior

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  • Post category:Caaaats

This is Pandora Junior or rather PJ to her family:

I first met PJ the day she was born. Her mother, who was half feral, was owned by the young lad I was tutoring. She was the smallest of a litter of 4 kittens. Her brothers were all big strapping orange stripey boys, and little PJ was a glossy orange and black.

Despite being the smallest and only female kitten PJ was the bravest of the lot. She would stomp up to me bold as brass and mew for snuggles. I would often put her into the pouch of my hoody while tutoring the young lad and she would fall asleep happy as a clam. Ultimately the lad’s mum would find homes for all the kittens and PJ ended up as my kitten.

We were always side by side. She slept by my head and would run to the door every day to greet me after school. We would play “tag” and she would help me with my homework every night by lying across whatever I was writing upon. My stepmother was not kind to PJ and I would have to intervene on PJ’s behalf quite commonly. On the day I left to live with my dad, my stepmother terrified PJ so badly that she hid between the walls and wouldn’t come out even with my coaxing. I had to leave my kitten behind for my own sake and it would be months until I saw her again, which is a story best saved for tomorrow.