A Clockwork Cohort

Today was a sad day. Today was the day my stopwatch stood still. When I was a small mumbles my father took me to a police auction and from it, I gained an analogue stopwatch. I adored the thing and I timed everything I did for a month. I was a real-world Speed runner always trying to beat my time for things like buttering toast or running around the local park.

Who watches the watches

It wasn’t uncommon to see me with the stopwatch tied around my neck with a string ready to time anything at a moments notice. Nothing lasts forever though and as time passes and life and location change my stopwatch found its new home in my desk drawer. Surviving 5 moves and 2 desks it was a veteran accessorize that was soon to find a new use in testing and taking apart video game mechanics. Although to be honest it was more often providing data points for internet arguments.

Alas, today was the end of the stopwatches journey. A single gear has stuck and Jammed rendering the counting above 59 seconds near impossible. It served me well and is one of the items I have had the longest, it will be missed

Oh clockwork companion you served me well

Your silence is a funeral bell

No more ticks and no more toks

Only gears forever locked.

Take your rest you earned your keep

Who knew your loss would cut so deep.