Life as Defined by Pizza

The best thing about allusions, similes, and metaphors is that if you are willing to stretch enough they can apply to anything. With that in mind today we will be talking about how pizza is a microcosm for life.

Dough you have a problem with this metaphor?

Just like the dough of the pizza when we are first born we are soft, moldable and must be tempered in the oven of experience until we fully take form. We must also grow a tougher crust to deal with the rough handling of our hearts as we seek partnership or romance.

Pizza sauce is akin to our secret self. It dwells beneath the toppings of our outward appearance, it’s flavour unbeknownst to the outside world until they take a bite. It is only once the toppings are penetrated that one can taste the full flavour of ones soul.

The social conditioning to act calm and remain reasonable as an adult is represented by the Cheese. Covering Everything except the crust this additional protective layer sets the stage for our social persona. Much like toppings which are chosen to please people so too is our social persona carefully selected to appeal to the world at large.

The medium (pizza) is the message

Pizza is life, and life is nothing without pizza. If you enjoyed this mental stretching leave me a comment and maybe we can make mental gymnastics a category.