Marvel’s Science Fair Trope

It’s quite a common trope in Marvel movies and comic that the genius school student(s) are getting scouted by prestigious universities or secret government projects at their school science fair. It’s common enough that it crops up in movie “sin” counters and that someone without fail will always point out how unrealistic it is.

What if I told you it’s not only realistic but makes perfect sense? Sure from our world it’s a little iffy but you have to play by marvel rules in the marvel universe. This is a universe with Tony Stark (genius), Peter parker (sometimes a genius),  Amadeus Cho (annoying but still a genius), Reed Richards (stretchy genius), and the list goes on and on. These are people that have created brand new technologies and innovations in their teen years alone and often showed off how much of a prodigy they were at elementary and up science fairs. It would be stupid of universities and government institutions to turn a blind eye to that.

The realistic question from a standpoint inside the Marvel universe should be why are there not more scouts at these things?